Fun Activities · Nannying

20 ideas to do with your children when it rains

When it rains we all know as parents, grandparents, nannies, childminders or other childcare professionals it can be a pain when to rains. Being stuck inside all day can send you all a bit crazy!

Don’t threat though. There are still PLENTY of things you could do to stay entertained.

  1. You could just brave it and play out in the rain! Stick your welly boots on and your rain macks and go and explore outside! Make a mud cake, go on a bear hunt, search for creepy crawlies and splash in those puddles! However, this could not be for all of you out there. Which is fine because there are still plenty more ideas.
  2. Junk modelling! Get your recycling box out, some sellotape and your craft box and encourage your child to build something! A space rocket, a car, binoculars, a fairy wand. Anything!
  3. Painting – if you haven’t got any of your own paints in the house, you can make you own. You use half a cup of flour, half a cup of salt and half  cup of water. Divide the mixture up into pots, bowls or even sandwich bags and add a little bit of water colour or food colouring. If you don’t want to get paint everywhere or you have a child who doesn’t like getting dirty try out this Mess Free Painting Activity.
  4. Play with play dough. Make your own play dough – or use ready made play dough. You can use play dough cutters. You could even get out some candles, your pretend tea set and make some play dough food!
  5. Baking – bake some cookies or a cake. Baking is one of our favourites, it’s fun and it encourages the kids to practice weighing out ingredients and practice their numbers. Take a look at some of my previous blogs to find some various baking activities such as Banana muffinsJam TartsGingerbread men or Cake trains.
  6. Make your own homemade bird feeder – we made these last week and it was so much fun! The birds are loving them too.
  7. Cooking – Similar as above and I encourage my nanny children to help cook or bake even when it’s not raining. Encourage your child to help prepare and cook dinner. A good way to promote healthy eating and your child’s cooking skills.
  8. Build a fort. Grab some blankets, cushions and snacks!
  9. Make your own puppets. You could sew your own or you could use some old socks. We all know we have a couple of random socks with a lost mate. Once your puppets are finished you could put on your own puppet show.
  10. You could make you own candles. I have made them with my nanny children before and they loved it. It made a wonderful Mother’s Day gift too.
  11. Watch a film together – perhaps a good old Disney film?
  12. Good old fashioned colouring. My nanny children (the twins) love a good colouring in book
  13. Put on a show. I have introduced ‘shows’ with my nanny children. We dress up using the fancy dress clothes, wigs, jewellery and turn off the lights and grab some torches. They hide behind the curtains and I shine the torches on them as they come out to sing, dance or act out their favourite stories.
  14. Pretend play – my favourite would have to be pretend food. Such as playing shops, pretend cooking, playing restaurants or even having a tea party!
  15. Play a board game. My nanny children’s favourite ones are ‘guess who‘, ‘pop to the shops‘ and of course the legendary ‘hungry, hungry hippos‘! pop to the shopshippos
    guess who
  16. Another easy one – gloop play. Gloop is so easy to make and you only need two ingredients. Water and cornflour. But if you want to add colour just pop some food colouring in. I suppose paint could work too for colour. Pop two cups of cornflour into a bowl and one cup of water. Mix together – get your child to help! It’s messy, but so much fun. Plus a great sensory activity.
  17. Water/sand play. Get your kitchen bits out too, jugs, measuring jugs, measuring spoons, cups and different sized containers. A great activity as meets your child’s learning needs in so many ways!
  18. Make your own sensory bottles – click the link to view how to make them.
  19. Make music. Whether you use your own musical instruments, you take out the pots and pans from your kitchen or you could always make your own – such as your own rainmaker or guitar.
  20. Make your own jewellery. You may have some old beads and some string lying around the house to use. Or you could hand dye some penne pasta or macaroni and thread that onto some string.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you want more ideas let me know!

42 thoughts on “20 ideas to do with your children when it rains

  1. I remember the days with little ones looking at you like “Hey Mom .. what should we do inside today” We always headed to the kitchen and made sugar cookies. They could spend hours decorating. I miss those days


  2. This is a fab list of ideas. To be honest we love board games and have a selection of orchard games. They are fab. I remember playing hungry hippos as a child too. It’s a shame my daughter is an only child. She needs friends to play her games with.


  3. Oscar would play with his play-doh all day long! He loves it. That, and his water table. We set it up in the kitchen or conservatory when it’s raining and don’t fill it with as much water as we do when he’s outside so it doesn’t end up all over the floor. One thing I’ve never done with him is build a fort. I don’t know why! Definitely going to be doing that the next time it rains 🙂
    Louise x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My daughter LOVES “Guess Who”!! It’s definitely one of our first go-to games on rainy days:)
    It’s so nice to have so many options that are NOT video games! My kids always want to default to video games. I am always trying to come up with other options. Thank you for your awesome list!


  5. Rainy days can sometimes be a bit of a challenge with two littles, but we usually have some activities that we reserve just for those days. Now that my youngest is a bit older we can also now play in the rain occasionally which has proven to be a pretty popular thing with them! You have some great activities in your list!


  6. Thank-you for these ideas! I have my grandsons for the week and have been trying to brainstorm ideas for fun things to do. I think I’ll have to stock up on some board games. Those always bring back great memories of being a kid. x


  7. We love playing board games in the house when it’s miserable outside. The junk modelling idea is great, my kids would love doing that


  8. There are so many great ideas here. My personal favourite is building a fort and I still love doing that as an adult haha.


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