Fun Activities · Sensory Play

The Tasting Game! A Fun Activity for Children

As you may know this week the kids and I have been doing some science experiments. I wrote about one experiment in my previous blog. If you are interested it was called what’s that smell? Click the link to go and read it. Another game we played was the tasting game! This game even I used to play as a teenager with one of my friends. The tasting game is really easy to set up and you only need a few items.

You need:

Various foods around the house

Tea spoon per child

Kitchen roll – for wiping spoon in between flavours

What you need to do is find various foods around the house and just pop a little on each tea spoon. I blind folded the kids while they tasted each sample for them to guess what it could be. Some of the flavours they really liked and some of the others they didn’t. But nevertheless, they all enjoyed it and found it hilarious.

They tasted:

Cream cheese


Apple sauce


Lemon juice




The game could have gone on for much longer but it was time to start cooking dinner so it had to come to an end. There are so many tastes you could introduce to your child with endless fun! Plus a good trick to encourage them to try different foods!

You could also try:




Various fruits or vegetables


Peanut Butter

And much more!

the tasting game

While you are getting your children to guess what they are testing, ask them some questions! It will get them thinking. This game is also great for communication and extending vocabulary.

Questions to ask during the tasting game:

Do you like that taste?

Which taste do you like the best?

Which taste do you like the least?

Can you describe the taste?

Can you guess the taste?

Go and try this activity out with your children and I’m sure they will love it!

If you liked this activity why don’t you go and check out some of my other ones. Such as homemade flubberedible finger paints or colour scavenger hunt (guest post).

Don’t forget to share and subscribe!

31 thoughts on “The Tasting Game! A Fun Activity for Children

  1. I can imagine this game to be much fun, much mess and perhaps much disgust. A great way to use words to describe tastes though. It is a weird sensation if you taste something without seeing it.


  2. I remember doing something like this at school and absolutely hating it – that said me and teacher didn’t get on so her blindfolding me was probably what I hated as it meant she could be awful and I couldn’t even see it.
    In a trusting environment I think it is a lovely idea though.


    1. I think that’s enough to put anyone off! My three year old boy nanny charge didn’t want me to blindfold him. He wanted to look at what I was about to feed him! Which was fine 🙂


  3. me and my sister used ot play these games when we were small and left alone as teens at home , it was a silly idea and actually caused us a fare bit of problems as some of the powders especially caused breathing issues even the smallest amounts but thinks like feeding her peanut butter when i knew she didnt like it was fun


  4. This is such a fun idea! My little guy would definitely be up for this game, but my little girlie is too fussy and hardly ever tries new things! Haha


  5. Oh yayayyy! I used to play this game with my mum and sister when I was little and it was so fun and I have gone on to use it when I am entertaining at children’s events. Kids love it!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN x


  6. I loved the small game you wrote about before and this is just the next logical progression. I would have loved to know what the answers were to your questions, especially what they like best!


  7. I love the idea of this game. Its a great way to learn different flavours and guessing will be so much fun. I love that you don’t need anything other than what you already have in the cupboards and fridge at home too.


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